About the Dual Listing 2023

The board of directors of Better Collective, Jesper Søgaard and Christian Kirk Rasmussen (the founders and major shareholders) and the management of Better Collective believe that it is an appropriate time to Dual List the Company’s shares on Nasdaq Copenhagen in addition to the listing on Nasdaq Stockholm. On this page you will find the SUMMARY (exemption document), the intention to cross list announcement, a brief announcement which relates to the Summary, the Q3 2023 Financial Report, the 2022 Annual Report, the 2021 Annual Report, FAQ, a Transfer form / Acceptance form as well as the Articles of Association. The first day of trading on Nasdaq Copenhagen is expected to be 17 November 2023.
In connection with the Dual Listing, Better Collective has also published a general description of the main differences between Swedish and Danish recommendations for corporate governance. This document is made available in the Corporate Governance site.
Summary, published 16 November, 2023
DOWNLOAD PDFCover announcement for the Summary
DOWNLOAD PDFIntention to cross list announcement
DOWNLOAD PDFDual Listing presentation
DOWNLOAD PDFQ3 2023 report
DOWNLOAD PDFAnnual Report 2022
DOWNLOAD PDFAnnual Report 2021
DOWNLOAD PDFTransfer form / Acceptance form
DOWNLOAD PDFArticles of Association
DOWNLOAD PDFContact investor relations

Mikkel Munch-Jacobsgaard
Senior Director of Group Strategy, Investor Relations & Corporate Communication
If you have any questions regarding Better Collective’s financial performance or wish to set up an introductory meeting, please reach out to our investor relations team. They will do their best to help you.
Better Collective’s Investor Relations function consist of a small team led and supervised by the CFO. The team works diligently on its main purpose of providing capital market participants, and other stakeholders, with accurate and timely information to ensures a fair market value of the BETCO share. The team’s objective is to consistently communicate a fair and well-defined investment story for internal and external stakeholders.