Petra von Rohr

Board member, Member of the audit committee

  • Born


  • Nationality


  • In BC since


Education: Petra von Rohr holds a M.Sc. in Economics and Finance from Stockholm School of Economics and McGill University in Montreal, Canada.

Professional background: Petra von Rohr is currently the CEO of Biocool AB and she has experience from executive management positions both from the finance industry and the communications industry. Previous to her current position, she was Head of Group Communications at Sweden’s largest cable operator Com Hem AB. Other experience includes working as an equity analyst in London and Stockholm as well as being the CEO of a Stockholm based investment bank. She has extensive experience from working with corporate communication and investor relations.

Other assignments: Board member of Webrock Ventures and Linkfire.

Previous assignments: Member of the Executive Management team of Com Hem AB, Partner of Kreab AB. Board member of The Global Vector Control Standard, Group A/S, Novare Human Capital and Takkei Trainingsystems AB.

Independent in relation to:

Shareholders: Yes

The company: Yes

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